In this section you will find information relating to the various aspects of Student Life at Little Heath School.
Home School Agreement
At Little Heath School, we firmly believe that the success of our students depends on an effective partnership of LHS staff, students and parents. All three parties share responsibility for the development and achievement of each pupil and each year you will be asked to read and sign the agreement.
The agreement is detailed below, however to view and sign the agreement electronically, please click here.
Please talk through the Home School Agreement with your child(ren), so that they understand the importance of the document, and what it says about that crucial relationship between school and home.
If you have any issues with signing the form or accessing the documents, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Together, we commit ourselves to the following:
LHS Staff will: |
As LHS parent(s)/carer(s) I/we will: |
As an LHS student, I will: |
- Provide a learning environment that is stimulating and challenging, whilst being safe and caring.
- Treat everyone and everything with respect.
- Have high expectations for engagement with learning, progress and behaviour.
- Ensure that each pupil has the opportunity to achieve high standards of work and behaviour by building positive relationships and developing a sense of individual responsibility.
- Provide a clear framework for praise, reward and sanctions.
- Explicitly teach the behaviour we want to see in our school and community.
- Help students to ‘put it right’ and enable each student to have a fresh start every lesson.
- Adopt a growth mind-set approach to lessons.
- Set homework regularly using Satchel One.
- Offer a range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities that will develop broader skills to prepare for life and the world of work.
- Record and reward good engagement with learning, progress and performance.
- Spread kindness and celebrate success.
- Communicate regularly on student progress.
- Take prompt action when we have any concerns about our students and be welcoming to enquiries and responsive to concerns.
- Teach the principles of personal safety, in particular e-safety.
- Encourage all students to adopt an inclusive approach, ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally.
- Value all students as individual members of the LHS family.
- Take an active interest in my child’s education.
- Encourage my child to try their best and to take pride in LHS, playing a full part in school life.
- Celebrate my child’s achievements and encourage a growth mind-set approach.
- Actively support LHS’s approach to behaviour, ownership and respect, including supporting sanctions issued to my child.
- Make sure my child attends school in accordance with school policy, in the correct uniform, arrives on time and is fully equipped for school and ready to learn.
- Make sure that time is not taken out of school unless it is urgent.
- Encourage my child to work hard and support them with homework by checking Satchel One regularly.
- Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
- Support LHS’s policies and guidelines as outlined on the school website.
- Contact the school at an early stage in the event of any concerns or problems.
- Keep the school updated on any changes to contact details.
- Talk to my child regularly about e-safety and monitor how they spend their time online. I will report any concerns via the safety sections on social media sites or to the mobile network provider.
- Support my child to travel safely to school, including wearing a cycle helmet.
- Encourage my child to tell an adult in school if anything worries them.
- Be a proud ambassador for Little Heath School, showing respect for everyone and everything; people, property and community.
- Arrive on time for school, in full uniform and fully equipped, ready to learn.
- Understand the expectations of me and my behaviour in classrooms and around school.
- Spread kindness and celebrate success.
- Treat others as I would wish to be treated. This includes using appropriate language and behaviour in relation to race, religion, gender and sexuality. Bullying is not tolerated at LHS.
- Do what I am asked to do, when I am asked to do it by a member of staff.
- Be an active participant in lessons, taking pride in my work.
- Work hard in class and at home, so I can fulfil my potential.
- Be proud of myself and my achievements.
- Try not to be too hard on myself if something is difficult. I can’t do it… yet; adopt a growth mind-set approach.
- Check Satchel One regularly and complete H/W on time.
- Not talk over anyone or call out in class.
- Use formal language in lessons, with no swearing.
- Not argue with staff.
- Try to put it right if I get something wrong.
- Know that every lesson is a fresh start.