This term we welcome Alexandra Glanville, the new Attendance Officer here at Little Heath. Following her appointment, we wanted to take the opportunity to remind you of a few important key points regarding our attendance.
If your child is ill, please contact us by email at before the start of the school day in order that all absent students can be accounted for in line with our safeguarding policy.
Please note that routine GP, dental and optician appointments should be made outside of school hours. Schools have had a clear directive from the DfE not to provide work for students who are absent because of routine illness. Unavoidable appointments do not require a whole day’s absence, students are expected to attend school before/after their appointment.
A full explanation of authorised and unauthorised absence is in our Attendance Policy which can be found online here: LHS Attendance Policy
Please ensure messages clearly provide:
- The child’s full name and tutor/year group
- A specific reason (i.e. more than just ‘they are poorly/unwell’) on the first day of absence and every subsequent day/s if the illness/absence continues.
In the event of an absence lasting more than five days, we may require evidence from your GP practice in order to authorise the absence. You will be asked to provide evidence of reasons for absence if your child already has low attendance i.e. below 90%.
Thank you for your co-operation to ensure that all of our students can achieve their potential and make a positive contribution to the school.