Welcome to our first edition of LHS Connected, our monthly newsletter.
We are really excited to be able to launch Connected in this format, and we hope parents and students alike will find it useful and informative. We are a very active school, with lots going on inside and outside the classroom, and a monthly newsletter is a great way of giving a flavour of what is happening to all members of the school community.
The summer term is always a particularly busy time of year, as you can see from this first edition. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing lots of you at our summer music concert and, of course, at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – the first performance is on Wednesday 3 July, and tickets are selling fast.
Hope you enjoy our first edition!
Mr David Ramsden
Calendar dates for the next month can be found below.
For information on Term Dates, please click here.
Date* |
Event |
Wednesday 19 June
- Friday 21 June |
Y10 Core PPEs |
Monday 24 June |
Y12 Futures Day |
Tuesday 25 June |
Y12 Higher Education & Careers Fair
Y8 Graduation Evening |
Friday 28 June |
Sixth Form Induction Day |
Wednesday 3 July
Thursday 4 July
Friday 5 July
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Whole School Production
Main Hall
Purchase via ParentMail |
Friday 5 July |
Sports Day |
Monday 8 July |
Induction Day & Meet
the Tutor Evening (new Y7 parents) |
Thursday 11 July |
Y11 Prom, Wokefield Park |
Tuesday 16 July |
Y13 Prom, Coppa Club, Streatley |
Thursday 18 July |
Summer Concert, Main Hall |
Wednesday 24 July |
TERM ENDS 1pm finish |
*Dates may be subject to change. Correct at time of publication. |
Bicycle Licence for Students
All students who cycle to school must now have a Bicycle Licence in order to bring their bicycle to school. Securing this licence involves a simple process, where students and parents have to select the link below, and then agree to follow these simple rules around bicycle safety.
If students cycle to school without a licence, or if their licence is withdrawn, then they will no longer be permitted to bring a bicycle on to the school site. This is done with the best interests of all of our students and staff in mind.
To secure a licence for your child, please click on this link.
Thank you, as always, for your support as we keep our school community safe.
In recent summers, when there have been periods of exceptionally hot weather, we have permitted students to wear their PE shorts to school in place of their normal school skirt or trousers.
This summer term (until Wednesday 24 July), we are proposing trialling to allow students in Years 7 to 11 to wear shorts to school on any day, irrespective of the weather, subject to the following provisos:
- the shorts must be the black Bermuda style shorts sold by Little Heath’s two uniform suppliers (Tilehurst Schoolwear and Stevensons), or equivalent black shorts purchased from elsewhere but which are still of the same overall style, length and fabric;
- no other style of short will be permitted and students may be sent home to change if they arrive at school wearing shorts of a different colour, style or fabric to that stipulated above;
- students must still wear school shoes, as per the normal school uniform, even if opting to wear the tailored shorts, meaning that trainers will not be permitted;
- while the above trial is being undertaken, there will be no further relaxation of uniform rules to permit the wearing of PE shorts on particularly hot days.
This trial has been proposed in response to a number of requests from parents and students to permit the wearing of shorts throughout the summer. Feedback from parents will be welcome and will inform a decision whether this becomes a permanent change to Little Heath’s uniform. For more guidance on uniform policy, please check our website.
Please regularly check your child’s attendance on Satchel One – where medically possible, attendance should remain above 96%. Satchel One is also our main communication system to inform parents of house points, behaviour points and detentions. It is therefore essential that all parents check for notifications during the school day.
Research has shown that regular attendance and good punctuality are crucial factors in students achieving their full potential at school, and we saw this very clearly in our exam results last summer.
It is important that parents/carers monitor single-day absences, as these days can soon add up to weeks. As a parent/carer, there are important steps that you can take to help support your child’s good attendance:
- Monitor your child’s attendance and punctuality using Satchel One.
- Ensure your child comes to school every day, on time, equipped and ready to learn. Tutor time begins at 8.50am and students are expected to be sat in tutor time by this time i.e. they need to arrive on school site before 8.50am.
- Failure to arrive to tutor time by 8.50am will result in a lunchtime detention.
- Students can arrive on school site from 8.00am.
- Talk to your child about the impact of lateness on their school day and over time.
- Do not allow your child to stay off because they are feeling a little poorly / tired or because of an issue which makes the journey a little more difficult than usual. Resilience is an important trait in students whose attendance is high and one which all students should strive for.
- If your child is poorly in the morning, but improves enough to return, please send them in to school as they will still receive an attendance mark for pm registration.
- Try to ensure that medical appointments are made outside of school time and, if unavoidable, the student does not miss a whole school day.
- Inform the school in a timely manner of any medical appointments or requests for absence.
- Book holidays during the school holidays.
- Make sure you respond to school letters, telephone calls, emails and texts regarding attendance and punctuality.
- Ensure the school has up-to-date addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses.
- Communicate with our Attendance Officer early and regularly when you have any concerns that may impact your child’s attendance.
Please note that schools have had a clear directive from the DfE not to provide work for students who are absent.
Just a reminder for students to bring a reusable water bottle to school every day. We have a number of water fountains around the school site where they can be easily refilled.
With the current high pollen count, please can you also ensure your child has taken appropriate preventative medication in the morning (if necessary).
Text Book Returns and Uniform Donations
As the exam season comes to a close, we would like to ask Year 11 and Year 13 students to donate any subject text books to school for reuse. We will have boxes available in main reception and Sixth Form for them to drop them in.
We are also looking for donations of good quality, second-hand uniform for both KS3 (red logos) and KS4 (silver logos), including PE kit. If you have anything to donate, please drop them into main reception. Any donations will be available to our new Year 7 parents on their information evening in early July. We will also send a reminder out in the autumn term for uniform donations from students transitioning from KS3 to KS4.
Senior Student Leadership Team 2024-25
Congratulations to the students who have been chosen as the next Senior Student Leadership Team. This group of ten students will be an integral part of the Little Heath School community over the next academic year, and we are so excited to see what positive changes they can make!
Well done to all the students who applied to be part of the Senior Student Leadership Team, all the applications and interviews were very impressive and all students should be so proud of themselves.
The process of Student Voice is about allowing pupils to express their ideas and the Conference is designed to give a range of our students from across the school the opportunity to work with others and discuss key issues, and to give their input and suggestions.
Our Conference, back in April, was attended by over 100 students and this year featured workshops on behaviour, pride in the school, wellbeing, respecting others and our environment, citizenship, teaching and learning, as well as lunch and a Q&A session with our Governors.
The sessions resulted in some fabulous suggestions and thought-provoking discussions. Issues discussed at the conference and matters arising will be fed back in various ways, and will feed into strategic work related to these key areas. We know there will be many positive changes for the benefit of all our students which will have come from the discussions in the workshops.
Nature Area Project Update
Huge thanks to the volunteer team from P&G who returned this month to work on our nature area project. The team, headed up by ex LHS student, Michaela Wombwell, joined us back in September but were keen to return and complete work further on the project. They worked really hard to level the ground ready for an outdoor learning space; as well as removing tree stumps and trip hazards; and starting work on bug hotels in our 'wild area'. They also sourced and collected second-hand items and materials which they bought along on the day.
We will be continuing their good work by taking groups of students out each week to work on the project until the end of term. Year 8 Science students have already got to work finishing the bug hotel, laying down bark chips and creating log piles in our 'wild area'. Thanks to C A Cook & Co Tree Surgery and Connick Tree Care for the bark chips and logs.
If you can help by providing any additional materials for our bug hotels, please drop them into main reception over the next couple of weeks. We are looking for:
- Holes and small tubes (not plastic) made out of bamboo, reeds and drilled logs
- Pipes, terracotta pots and roof tiles
- Dried moss
- Sedum or similar plant for a living roof
If you would like to help with any of our Eco-Committee initiatives, please email Mrs Saunders, the Eco-Committee Coordinator, on marketing@littleheath.org.uk or call 0118 9427337.
For more of our latest news, follow us on social media or view the latest news articles on our website.
| 28 May 2024 Year 7 students took part in our very first Earth Day on 22 April. The aim was to give them the opportunity to take part in a number of interactive and fun workshops aimed at educating them about the climate crisis and giving them positive ways to make a difference. | |
| We recently received this message from Rosie at West Berks Foodbank. We are so glad that our donations are going to go straight to those who need it the most, and of course, we are incredibly grateful to West Berks Foodbank for their continued amazing efforts in the fight against the cost of living! "In readiness for school re-starting, I wanted you to know that your recent donations to West Berks Foodbank weighed in at 225kgs, which equates to an impressive 472 meals that Little Heath School has provided for local residents.This is an even better total than the collection you did last year for us which weighed 167kgs so thank you so much for co-ordinating this for us. With the ongoing cost of living crisis continuing to bite, donations to the Foodbank are significantly lower than in the past whilst demand for our services is greater than before. Your donations are, therefore, particularly welcome at this time.I hope the rest of term goes well." 4 days ago Follow | |
Cultures Day 2024
Back in April we held our annual Cultural Celebration Evening and Cultures Day. Organised by the student Diversity Society, students and staff were encouraged to dress up in either cultural dress, or the colours of their flag. The Cultural activities and events raised over £1,300 for Unicef and Reading Community Learning Centre.
Read More
At Little Heath School, Pride+ is a space for both members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as allies and friends, where people can join together in a safe space and build relationships with those with similar experiences and interests.
Within Pride+, we discuss certain issues happening within the community, or other problems online or in the news in relation to the queer community, while also providing a comfortable environment that does not always have to be exposed to more sensitive topics. We additionally engage in queer media that shines a light on less-discussed elements of the community.
Pride Month is a crucial time to understand more about the LGBTQIA+ community, whether you are a part of it, or just an ally attempting to learn more about the community to support your close friends. It is also a time for celebration - to commemorate those who fought for queer rights, those who are still fighting, and the love and joy in the community.
Students from the Pride+ group
We are a school with a strong sense of community.
Please read the notices and event information from the local area below.
Community Events & Activities
Little Heath School
Little Heath Road
Tilehurst, Reading
Berkshire RG31 5TY