RSE Parent Consultation
RSE Parents consultation on PSHE. Feedback by 19 April 2021
The statutory changes to Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) aspects of PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education came into effect September 2020, however in order to account for the disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, the delivery of this material may take place after the Easter Holidays 2021. The Department for Education has produced detailed guidelines of what must be taught to all secondary pupils, and also changed the guidelines for withdrawing a child from sex education.
In light of these changes, we are consulting with parents to inform you of the statutory changes and to open a dialogue for feedback on this subject. For more information on the consultation, please take some time to watch this presentation, and to review the documents attached below.
The deadline for parental feedback is Monday 19 April. Please send any questions, concerns or feedback to