Report an Absence
How to report absence:
- Contact school preferably before 8.30am – it is a parental duty for you to do this and helps with safeguarding.
- Please email
- Ensure the email contains your child’s name and year group / tutor group.
- You must clearly state the reason for absence –it is not enough to say ‘unwell’ or ‘not coming in.’ You must give us specific details of the illness.
- Please remember it is up to the school to authorise absence, not the parent. It is easier for us to do this if you provide evidence for the absence e.g. photo of prescribed medication, screen shot of hospital appointment etc.
- If no communication has been received, we will call parents / carers, as appropriate.
- In the case of pupils who we have identified as vulnerable, a priority phone call, directly to the pupil or parent, will be made by 10.30am.
- If you would like to speak to the Attendance Officer to further discuss absence it is better to do this after 10am, but please ensure you have already emailed in. Ring 01189 427337 and select the absence line.
- Non-urgent medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours and usually only a half-day will be authorised i.e. pupils are expected to attend school and leave for afternoon appointments and sign in late for morning appointments.
If there is an unexplained absence, parents / carers will receive an email by 10.00am asking them to inform us of a reason for their absence by 11am. If no communication has been received, we will call parents / carers, as appropriate.