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SEPTEMBER 2021 Start of term arrangements

Please see the start of term arrangements here for September 2021

  • Year 7 and Sixth Form students will return to school on Friday 3 September, when they will have the first of their LFD tests. For Year 7 and 12, this will be an Induction day, whereas Year 13 will come into school for their LFD test and then go home.

  • New Year 7 students should come to school for 8.50am on 3 September, and arrive at the tennis courts through the Warborough Avenue entrance. We will organise everything from then on. Testing will start from 10am onwards.

  • Year 7 students should arrive at school in full uniform for that day, with all of their equipment. They will not require PE kit for this first day, but will do so for subsequent days the following week, depending on their timetable.

  • All students will return to school as normal on Monday 6 September, for full lessons. There will be an extended Tutor period at the start of that day during Period 1. Normal lessons will start from Period 2.

  • Monday 6 September will be Week 2 on the timetable, as we start back on Week 1 for Friday 3 September.


The basic arrangements are summarised as follows (the full schedule can be downloaded here):

Date Event Students
Friday 3 September INDUCTION AND TESTING DAYS YEAR 7, 12 and 13 students only – see schedule sent via InTouch
Monday 6 September Return to school for all students - normal lessons Testing for Year 10 and 11
Tuesday 7 September Normal lessons for all students Testing for Year 8 and 9
Wednesday 8 September Normal lessons for all students Second test for Year 7, 12 and 13
Thursday 9 September Normal lessons for all students Second test for Year 10 and 11
Friday 10 September Normal lessons for all students Second test for Year 8 and 9
Monday 13 September Normal lessons for all students Testing complete, regular home testing continues



Arrangements for providing consent:

  • Please provide consent for your child to take the LFD tests by the deadline of 27 August 2021.
  • Parents who have already provided consent for their child in March will need to do so again for this next round of testing, to allow us to organise testing using new student timetables and tutor groups.
  • Parents of Year 7 students who start in September, along with any external students starting Year 12, will also need to provide consent using our online form.
  • When filling in the consent form, please select your child’s Tutor Group from the drop down menu. This is an improvement on the previous consent form. However, you should still refer to the school system for identifying tutor groups, using capital letters for the tutor. So, Mr Eden’s tutor group in Year 9 is 9JED on the drop down menu.
  • Where Tutor Groups have changed ready for the new term, for example when a member of staff has left the school, the schedule identifies the original Tutor Group from last year in brackets. For example, 11CHA is now 11 JMO.
  • As we have not finalised Tutor Groups in Year 12, all Year 12 students will have to select the Year 12 option from the drop down menu. A tutor group option will not be available. For this reason, on the first day of testing, Year 12 will attend their appointments in alphabetical order (rather than Tutor Group order), as outlined on their Year Group schedule.
  • Students in all other year Groups must use the drop down menu to select their Tutor Group, and will attend their appointments in Tutor Group order for both tests.
  • If your child did not have a test in March, we would strongly encourage them to take the two tests this time round. You can give consent now, even if you did not do so in the earlier round of testing.
  • Students will not be able to take their LFD tests unless consent has been provided.
  • Consent can be provided via the following link: LHSconsentform