Youth MP tackles Climate Change in Parliament
Year 12 student, Grace, impresses in parliament as she talks about climate change.
Year 12 student, Grace, recently spoke in parliament as part of her role as a Youth MP for Reading.
Grace discovered an interest in politics when she joined the Little Heath School Council. This opened up opportunities for her to take her interest further, and she put herself forward to become a Member of the Youth Parliament. During their term of office, Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) work with their MPs, decision-makers, councillors and local youth groups on the issues of greatest concern to their constituents. Grace has a huge passion for climate change and sustainability, and wanted her voice, and those of her young constituents in Reading, to be heard.
As part of her MYP role, she sits on a youth panel for Thames Water. She meets with them to give a young opinion on issues such as tariffs and cleaning up the Thames for recreational activities.
She is also a member of the Reading Climate Action Network where last year she was involved in discussing the manifesto for COP26 and was the campaign commissioner for plastic pollution.
This year, we are delighted that Grace has joined our Eco-Committee as part of the Eco-Schools programme. We hope together we will make some huge changes to inspire our students staff to make changes towards a better and more sustainable future.
Grace hopes to pursue a career in politics, and we think she is going to go far!
To hear Grace in action in Parliament, take a look at this video: