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Detention Request Form

Parents and carers will be notified of any detentions set via the SatchelOne app. Detentions are not negotiable. They cannot be moved except in exceptional circumstances, and they must be attended. 

  • Non-attendance to a 60-minute Same Day Sanction (after school central detention) will result in the issuing of a 90-minute SLT detention on the next available school day.
  • Non-attendance to the SLT detention - the following day the student will be removed from circulation at lunchtime, with another 90-minute detention that same evening.
  • Non-attendance to a second SLT detention will lead to the student being suspended from school the following day, with a reintegration meeting with parents upon return to school.

We understand that, in very rare circumstances, a family may request to change the date of a detention, but these must be for exceptional circumstances, equivalent to missing time from school.  Detentions that are requested to be moved because they inconvenience the child or parent/carer will not be agreed. Equally, detentions will not ordinarily be moved to accommodate extra-curricular clubs or activities, social engagements or events, or birthdays. 

Request a change to a detention date

In order to make this process as smooth as possible, we have introduced a new system for requesting a change to detention times. The only way to request a change is by completing the form below, which must be formally requested by 1pm on the day of the detention. Staff will not be able to change the date of a detention unless this form has first been completed.