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In carrying out their functions, public bodies, such as schools, are required to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it;
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it;
  • Consult and involve those affected by inequality, when making decisions to promote equality and eliminate discrimination. This could include parents, pupils, staff and the local community.

Under the Equality Act 2010 the specific duties on schools are to:

  1. Publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty
  2. Publish Equality Objectives.

This document treats the first of these obligations. Our Equality Objectives are included within our Equality Policy

The following is a summary to show some of the ways in which Little Heath School is actively fulfilling its obligations under the PSED.

Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act

Our school’s philosophy is about valuing every individual. Our Equality Policy states that  our school is made up of a wide variety of people, with varied backgrounds, lifestyles and cultures. It is a diversity which enriches our lives and the educational process. Little Heath School seeks to be an inclusive and welcoming community which values diversity and which protects and promotes the dignity of every member of our community. All staff and students are encouraged and supported in reaching their full potential.  This policy was renewed by Governors in Autumn Term 2022 and can be found here.  

Within our community we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind. We are committed to actively tackling discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and good relations between all members of our community.  We celebrate and value each member of our community as an individual, for example through recognition and celebration of different achievements.   

As a school we take positive action to challenge and prevent racism, homophobia and any other discrimination. Any discrimination is challenged.  

The following policies support the school’s compliance: 

  • Equality Policy & Accessibility Plan 
  • Behaviour Policy (includes Anti Bullying policy) 
  • Teaching and Learning Policy 
  • SEND policy 
  • RSE policy 
  • Employment practice & Employment statement  
  • Our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent, and we do not discriminate against pupils by treating them less favourably on the grounds of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity 

Other ways in which Little Heath School has sought to eliminate discrimination in 2021/22: 

  • Anti Bullying procedures with clear impact 
  • Logging and monitoring of incidents relating to nine protected characteristics  
  • Healthy Relationships Day for Year 7 
  • RSE curriculum in place  
  • Assembly for Black History Month & tutor work for Pride month   
  • Assembly from “Diversity Role Models” for LGBT+ History Month 
  • Cultures Day and Cultural Appreciation Evening led by Sixth Form, Diversity Group 
  • LHS Pride+ established and meets every Wednesday  

Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

Little Heath is an inclusive school community, which respects each and every individual member.  School events, such as praise assemblies, reflect and celebrate the diversity of our community.

We know the needs of our school population very well and collect and analyse data in order to inform our planning and identify targets to achieve improvements.We collect data and monitor progress and outcomes of different groups of pupils and use this data to support school improvement. We take action to try to close any gaps.We use ASP (data for the school from DfE) which compares the school’s data with national data, in addition to our own internal processes, to identify outcomes and plan interventions for various groups. Governors Educational Performance Committee considers progress for all groups

We use a range of teaching strategies that ensures we meet the needs of all students, and we provide support and intervention to students both who need additional support and who at risk of underachieving. We ensure equality of access for all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum, and we are aspirational for all of our students.

We have an extensive careers programme, and we use a series of careers events, and analysis of leavers destinations, to inspire, to raise awareness and to maximise potential.

Specific ways in which Little Heath School seeks to advance equality of opportunity:

  • Monitoring of Pupil Premium students & intervention bids. Our inclusion lead interviews all of our Pupil Premium students to identify personalised and bespoke support.
  • All staff have data about students in their individual classes who have a specific need; staff create class profiles to identify strategies and intervention for individuals with in their classroom settings
  • Attendance being monitored by subgroup
  • Personalised support and interventions by Inclusion Department
  • Advice from Inclusion Dept to teaching staff
  • Little Heath School has contributed to nationwide publication “Equality: Making It Happen”
  • Little Heath School pays due regard to the principles and the spirit of the Equality Act with regard to recruitment, selection and employment.  We are an equal opportunities employer.

Foster good relations across all characteristics - between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

We prepare our pupils for life in a diverse society and ensure that there are activities across the curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students.

Little Heath School seeks to foster and promote good relations between people and groups in lots of different ways. We promote a whole school ethos that challenges discriminatory language or attitudes. 

RE promotes different values through study of diversity and understanding of other religions and cultures. Our Personal Development curriculum, and the development of RSE at Little Heath, has respect and the development of understanding, and valuing individuals, at its core. The Project 7, 8 and 9 curricula include specific lessons on anti bullying and equality and other aspects of Personal Development and our tutorial curriculum focus on friendship, respect and relationships.   

Through History, Geography, Languages, RE, Personal Development, Art, Music, Drama and other areas we promote the contribution of different cultures and promote positive images of people. In general, through the curriculum, we provide opportunities for pupils to listen to a range of opinions and empathise with different experiences. 

We regularly support charity organisations and students lead out three charity fundraising days.  

Newly arrived students benefit from an induction including the opportunity to have a buddy. Elsewhere, our SMILE Peer Mentoring system supports many of our younger students at transition. There are various opportunities for all students to participate in Student Voice and everyone is encouraged to get involved.  

We have external speakers and visitors to our school and various business and enterprise links.  

Specific ways in which Little Heath School sought to foster good relations in 2021-22 

  • Diversity group led by Sixth Form students. The group planned and delivered a Celebration of Cultures Day in April 2022 and a Cultural Appreciation evening - Little Heath School - Cultures Day 2022 
  • Renewed LHS definition of bullying – includes specific mention of particular characteristics 
  • Duke of Edinburgh scheme 
  • Assembly for Black History Month & tutor work for Pride month  
  • Assembly for LGBT+ History Month for Y7-Y13 in Feb 2022 from “Diversity Role Models”   
  • LHS Pride+ created and meets every Weds.  
  • Symbols have been put up in classrooms and offices around school so LGBTQ+ students know where they can find allies 
  • Display on foreign language pronouns in the Languages department 
  • Year 7 participated in a Healthy Relationships Day