House win for Warwick!
Warwick reigns as this year's House champions!
Over the last academic year, students (and staff!) have been battling hard to be this year's winning House. Back in September, things started well and competitions were ticking along. However, when we got to the Spring term the coronavirus pandemic hit, and many large House events were unable to take place, such as the House Music competition and Sports Day.
Many House competitions emerged to enable students to take part at home and gain points for their House. There were online quizzes, a bake off and poetry competitions to name a few, and you did not let us down as you got stuck in! So after all these efforts and team work, we are pleased to announce the winners of 2019-20 were...
Congratulations to Mr O'Neill and everyone in Warwick who put their all in this year!
Their big wins included the whole school Crisp Packet Recycling container competition, Mrs Card's Christmas Bauble competition, the KS3 Racism competition and the Sport Relief Mile.
Not to mention all the points awarded everyday for good behaviour, good work and being helpful. These account for over 14,300 of the points Warwick won!
Well done to all the other Houses who fought hard despite the challenges faced this year. The final scores were:
1st WARWICK - 18,496
2nd ARUNDEL - 18,080
3rd STIRLING - 17,117
4th CONWAY - 14,314
Who will be next year's champion...?