Calvin achieves Maths success in Junior Mathematical Olympiad

The biggest achievement in Key Stage 3 Maths at LHS in over a decade!
Each year we enter all our Set 1 students in Years 7 & 8 into the Junior Maths Challenge - nationwide, this is around 300,000 of the UK's most talented mathematicians. From these entries, around 1,200 students are then invited to do a follow up round, a two hour exam called the Junior Mathematical Olympiad.
Calvin, who was in Year 8 at the time, achieved a Certificate of Merit in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad. The Junior Olympiad awards Distinction to the top scoring 25%, the next top 40% receive a Merit and finally the remaining get a certificate of participation. This is the biggest achievement in Key Stage 3 Maths at Little Heath School for at least the last 10 years!
Deputy Head in charge of KS4, Mr Coulson, awarded Calvin his certificate during a Year 9 assembly. Well done Calvin for this tremendous acheivement!