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Year 8 Options

The Options process begins for Year 8 students in Term 3. We have put a framework in place to ensure that all students opt for subjects that will enable them to study a broad and balanced curriculum which also reflects their own personal interests, abilities, aptitudes and talents. This will leave them with lots of opportunities open to them when they leave school.

They will participate in a range of activities to support them in making their decisions, including advice from our Careers Team.

Choosing a suitable Key Stage 4 curriculum is all part of the process of planning for future careers or studies. Students will be asked about this during their options interview. Our Career's Lead, Mrs Wooller, is available to answer any queries and offer advice. Her email address is

A new guide for 2024/25 with information on the Options process will be added to this page shortly, and a link will be emailed home. If you need any further information, please contact Assistant Head, Mrs Whitford by emailing or contact the Head of Year 8, Mrs Parsons, by emailing

Below is the timescale for this year's Options process:

Date Event
Tuesday 14 January 2025 Assembly
An Introduction to the Options Process
Assembly for Year 8 delivered by Mrs Whitford and Mr Coulson
Wednesday 29 January 2025

Information Evening – 6pm in the Main Hall
This will provide a more detailed explanation of the Options process, courses and pathways, and what this means for your child. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the courses we offer. Please complete this short form to confirm your attendance:

The presentation from the evening can be viewed here: Year 8 Options Information Evening for Parents 2025 - Presentation

End January/
Beg. February

Options Information Booklet
The LHS Options booklet was sent home electronically on Friday 7 February with a letter confirming the pathway that each student will be following. It is also available to download below and on Satchel One. This contains details of all the courses that are offered, and how pathways are identified. 

Download the booklet here: Year 8 Options Booklet 2025

Term 3 Tutor time activities to support the GCSE Options process
This will include the opportunity to speak to HODs of the subjects which are offered as GCSE subjects, as well as students who currently study them. Students will also be offered support and guidance by their Form Tutor, to support them in making their choices.
Term 3 Taster activities
Students will be invited to attend additional taster lessons in new subjects at GCSE (German, Spanish, Drama, Business Studies, Child Development, Leisure and Tourism, Citizenship, Media and Hospitality)

17 - 28

February 2025

These will be completed online. Details of this will be sent out nearer the time.

Deadline: Friday 28 February 2025

17 March –
4 April 2025
Options Interviews
Each student will attend an individual Options Meeting with a member of the Pastoral or Curriculum Team. During these meetings, choices which have been made during the initial application process will be reviewed with students.
Term 5 Follow up conversations and Quality Assurance
Term 5 Confirmation of GCSE course places
Students will receive written confirmation of their course choices at the end of the process.