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KS3 Assessment

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the KS3 Assessment evening on 16 October. If you were unable to join us, or would like to read through the presentation for your session, it can be viewed below. Each presentation explains the changes and outlines what the new reports will look like moving forward:

Year 7 - KS3 Assessment Information Evening 16 10 24

Year 8 - KS3 Assessment Information Evening 16 10 24

If you have any questions, please email Mrs Rayner If your query relates to the assessment criteria for a particular subject, please contact the KS3 lead for that department. All the contact details can be found in the dropdown lists below. 

Engagement with Learning

In all of our recording windows, subject teachers will award students an engagement with learning score. The criteria for these are as follows:

  • Always ready to learn.
  • Consistently demonstrates outstanding effort and exemplary behaviour.
  • Actively engages in all class activities, seeks additional learning opportunities, is proactive with reflection and upgrading, and consistently exceeds expectations in homework and assignments.
  • Shows exceptional respect for peers and teachers, maintains high self-discipline, and acts as a positive role model in the classroom.
  • Typically ready to learn.
  • Regularly shows good effort and behaviour.
  • Participates actively in class, completes homework and assignments to a good standard, usually responds well to reflection and upgrading, and occasionally seeks additional learning resources.
  • Demonstrates respect for others, follows school rules, and contributes positively to the classroom environment.
  • Sometimes ready to learn.
  • Sometimes does not display satisfactory effort and behaviour.
  • Participates in class activities when prompted, does not consistently complete homework on time, and sometimes fails to meet basic requirements.
  • Shows respect for peers and teachers but may need occasional reminders.
  • Rarely ready to learn.
  • Needs significant improvement in both effort and behaviour.
  • Rarely engages in class activities, often fails to complete homework on time, and does not seek additional learning opportunities.
  • Frequently shows a lack of respect for others, requires constant supervision to follow school rules, and often disrupts the classroom environment.


At the beginning of Year 7 we use a variety of internal and external data, including KS2 SATs, CAT tests and subject-based assessments to allocate initial banding for each child in each subject. Students will be studying some subjects for the first time, and we want all our students to experience success, whatever their ability level.

Students will be allocated one of the following three bands for each of their subjects:

  • Higher – exceptional ability in this subject
  • Intermediate – sound ability in this subject
  • Foundation – developing ability in this subject

It is perfectly normal for students to be different bands in different subjects. This will reflect their natural talents and aptitude in each subject.

Throughout the school year, in assessments and classwork, teachers will assess whether your child is:

  • Exceeding – working above this level
  • Secure – working solidly at this level
  • Developing – working towards this level 

Within their allocated department band.

Depending on the progress of your child, their band may move up or down a band in a subject at the end of Year 7.

The majority of our classes are taught in mixed ability groups. This means students who are working at Higher, Intermediate and Foundation are all being taught the same curriculum at the same time. At Little Heath, our philosophy is to teach to the top, with scaffold tasks and resources to support those who find accessing the curriculum trickier. Stretch tasks are always embedded in lessons to challenge those working at a high level.

KS3 Assessment Criteria Tables

Please see below for the KS3 assessment criteria for each subject. This criteria is new for 2024-25:

Art & Design

Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mrs Wooldridge
Head of Art & Design Mr Viner

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Art & Design

Design & Technology

Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mrs Mullett
Head of Design Technology Mrs Meader

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Design & Technology


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead
& Head of Drama
Mrs Rowland

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Drama


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Miss Rowan
Head of English Miss Jones

KS3 Assessment Criteria: English


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mrs Horley
Head of Geography Mrs Park

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Geography


Role Name Email Address

KS3 Lead

& Head of History

Mrs Canning

KS3 Assessment Criteria: History


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mr Martin
Head of Languages Mrs Leach 
Mr Martin

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Languages


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mr Virgo
Head of Mathematics Mrs Andrews

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Mathematics


Role Name Email Address

KS3 Lead

& Head of Music

Mrs Williams

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Music


Role Name Email Address

KS3 Lead

& Head of PE

Mr Hanham

KS3 Assessment Criteria: PE


Role Name Email Address

KS3 Lead
& Head of PSHE

Ms Burrows

KS3 Assessment Criteria: PSHE & Digital Skills


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Mr Yiannapas
Head of RE Mr Eden

KS3 Assessment Criteria: RE


Role Name Email Address
KS3 Lead Ms Shaw
Head of Science Mr Harwood

KS3 Assessment Criteria: Science